If you think that all of the recalls we list are just innocent little mistakes, think again. Sometimes companies knowingly endanger us, our pets and our children to make a quick buck… or even a quick .25 cents.
Cardinal Distributing was ordered by the Consumer Product Safety commission in 2004 to pull their Children’s Rings with Dice or Horseshoes off the market because they contained enough lead to poison the children using them. These are the tacky little things you can buy in vending machines for a quarter.
So what does this company do? They pull them off the market long enough for the CPCS to turn their backs and then they put the EXACT SAME RINGS back into circulation. If I were a cursing man the following would look very different: Ufreakingbelievable!
These cheap little trinkets were made in India. Why worry about terrorism when countries like India and China are openly flooding our economy with, cheap, lethal goods?
This makes me sick to my stomach to even write about. So instead of writing more, I’ll just send you to the CPSC website where you can learn all about the recall.
By the way, I hope this company gets sued to kingdom come. This is what personal injury lawyers call taking lead-filled toys from a baby.
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