Pontiac Recalls Vibes: Crash Risk
United States Recall News Alerts for Recalled Drugs, Food, Products, & Vehicles
By NHTSA 2 Comments
NHTSA was established by the Highway Safety Act of 1970 and is dedicated to achieving the highest standards of excellence in motor vehicle and highway safety. It works daily to help prevent crashes and their attendant costs, both human and financial.
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Gene Bush says
Here we go toyota’s stupid engineers are even ruining GM products Junk tundras frames rusting out bad brakes pedals sticking and killing people both here and in china and europe What can u expect from the morons who bombed Pearl Harbor when we werent even at war with them?
Dennie Jordan says
Gene Bush must be related to the OTHER Bushes. He is ignorant of history, cars and trucks, and sentence structure. GM couldn’t build a car as good as the MATRIX, so they had Toyota build it for them and then put Pontiac VIBE name on it in place of MATRIX. Same car, just a different emblem and name plate. On the subject of quality and reliability, I have owned several GM products and have for the past several years driven nothing but Toyota cars/vans. You could not give me another GM product. In fact, I am suspect that GM , Chrysler, or some of their cohorts could be behind TOYOTA’s problems now by using sabotage. If you think that sounds ridiculous, read the true history of the TUCKER car. GM could not stand the competition of the excellent TUCKER, so they used the dishonest government and court system to financially ruin Mr. Tucker so that he could not get into full production. As for Pearl Harbor, wake up and smell the roses. The US elitists had already declared war on Japan. Japan was forced into some sort of action as a result of the same crooked conniving government and elitists that run this country today. The US government head(s) knew that attack was coming and wanted it so that they would have an excuse to get into the war. There is a lot of money to be made in a war by the Rockefellers, etc. While our young people are being killed today, who benefits? The same families that benefited from WWII and other wars. I will give you a hint. Look up Zionism with any search engine. I suppose Gene even believes the government propaganda about 911. It was another false flag operation executed by the elitists using the Israeli Mossad to bring the buildings down internally while pointing at the people that Israel wants to get rid of. Who benefits? The same people as always, while stealing our freedoms and economy, they are helping Israel take more control of the Middle East. Just follow the money and resulting power to really find out where our troubles come from. Get a life, Gene, and do some actual reading and thinking.