- Company Announcement Date:
- June 18, 2020
- FDA Publish Date:
- June 19, 2020
- Product Type:
- Food & Beverages
Allergens - Reason for Announcement:
Recall Reason Description
Undeclared wheat, soy, cashews and coconut
- Company Name:
- Fresh Express
- Brand Name:
Brand Name(s)
Fresh Express
- Product Description:
Product Description
Southwest Chopped Kit
Company Announcement
Fresh Express is voluntarily recalling a limited quantity of Fresh Express 11.5-ounce Southwest Chopped Kit with production codes G163B10A and G163B10B, UPC code 0 71279 30602 5 and use-by date of June 29 due to the presence of undeclared wheat, soy, cashews, and coconut. In some individuals the consumption of undisclosed allergens could cause allergic reactions that in some cases could be life-threatening.
The recall was necessitated when Fresh Express learned that, during a single production run, incorrect condiment packets were placed into Southwest Chopped Kit bags and, as a result, the allergens wheat, soy, cashews, and coconut are not properly declared.
Only the Southwest Chopped Kit displaying the identified product codes, UPC code and use-by date are subject to the recall. All other Fresh Express Southwest Chopped Kits are properly labeled, and no other Fresh Express products are included in the recall. No illnesses are reported to date.
The recalled product was distributed between June 12 and June 18 in the states of Alabama, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. Fresh Express representatives are coordinating with retail stores, instructing them to remove the recalled product from store shelves and inventories.
Fresh Express takes all matters of food safety very seriously, including the issue of allergens. Company procedures and programs stringently follow all mandated regulations and focus on preventive measures designed to minimize potential risks. Express is coordinating with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and is conducting a full investigation into this isolated incident.
Consumers in possession of the recalled product should discard it. A refund is available where purchased or by contacting the Fresh Express Consumer Response Center toll-free at (800) 242-5472 Monday through Friday during the hours of 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern time.
Recalled Product Details
- Fresh Express Southwest Chopped Kit – 11.5-oz. bag
- Product Codes G163B10A and G163B10B with use-by date of June 29, located in the upper righthand corner on the front of the bag
- UPC Code of 0 71279 30602 5 located on the reverse side of the bag by the bar code
Recalled Product Distribution
Fresh Express Precautionary Recall, Southwest Chopped Kit – 06/18/2020 (No other Fresh Express salads are included in this recall)
Brand |
Fresh Express | Southwest Chopped Kit | 11.5-oz. | 071279 306025 | G163B10A G163B10B |
Jun-29 | AL, DE, FL, GA, KY, MD, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV |
Company Contact Information
- Consumers:
- Fresh Express Consumer Response Center
- (800) 242-5472
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