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Today (Friday Sept. 21, 2007) the Consumer Product Safety Commission announced the recall of One-million Simplicity and Graco cribs after three children were trapped and suffocated in Simplicity or Graco cribs.
All three children died after falling into a gap in the crib created when the person putting the crib together had installed the drop-rail side of the crib upside-down.
There have been 55 reports of sides detaching or hardware failing on these recalled cribs, and at least seven other children have reportedly been trapped in the cribs, presumably caused by the same faulty installation.
Should the people putting the cribs together have followed the instructions more closely, or does the fact that so many instances of this problem have occurred suggest that the instructions were not clear enough? That, of course, will be for the courts to decide.
How To Tell if You Have a Recalled Crib
From January 1998 through May 2007 the recalled cribs were sold across the US under the Simplicity or Graco brands. The recalled cribs come in many different model numbers. If you have a Simplicity or Graco crib, you should call the Simplicity hotline at 888-593-9274 and they will help you determine if your crib is among the recalled.
In the meantime, all parents, consumers and store owners should check installed cribs to ensure that the drop side is installed correctly and securely attached. The newer hardware has a flexible tab at the top of the lower track and a permanent stop at the bottom. The older hardware has a flexible tab at the bottom of the lower tracks.
Other Previous Graco and Simplicity Crib Recalls:
Aspen 3-in-1 Crib with Graco Logo by Simplicity Inc. (Feb. 14, 2006):
Graco Branded Aspen Crib Recall (Dec. 23, 2005)
Please use the contact form to your right if your child has been injured by Graco, Aspen, Simplicity or any other cribs. Companies who manufacture cribs have a responsibility to produce extremely high quality, safe products and provide clear instructions on their assembly. If they fail to do so, you have the right to bring a civil lawsuit. Demand higher standards for our children.
Recalled cribs seem to be a fairly common occurrence, and usually it seems like Graco cribs are involved in the recall. The problem is, almost every crib you look at in stores like Target and Walmart are Graco cribs.
Sounds like a great reason to READ THE INSTRUCTIONS. I guess this is after all the American way; don’t take responsibility for your own actions, blame and sue some one else. Bullsh*t. WAKE UP AMERICA, take some responsibility for your actions. They put instructions in the box for a reason. If you get in a car accident, is it GM’s fault because you drive like a blind person and don’t use an indicator signal (turn signal)?
I have one of the recalled cribs and the side began falling apart before i knew about the recall. I READ the instructions and they were the worst I have ever seen. Also, this same crib has TWO recall issues and apparently if it were painted white this would be a problem as well because they were painted in.. guess where… CHINA. I am not suing anyone, but I would rather have another crib than be waiting for the 6-8 weeks they told me it would take to get me TWO different kits to fix the problems. GRACO and SIMPLICITY are the ones not taking responsibility for another poor product.
I purchased an Aspen 3 in 1 crib for my unborn grandson in April 2007. Because the baby was so tiny, my son never opened the box. Never put the crib together. When we heard about the recall, we took the unopened crib back to Target They would not take it back because of their 90 day return policy. Oh yeah, when they scanned the code on the box. it read: Recalled – Do not sell!!
Are you telling me that you took one of these dangerous recalled cribs (that have caused the death of children already) back to Target, the place from which you purchased it, and they wouldn’t take it back?
What was the location of that target? Do you remember the name of the person at the service desk who refused to take the recalled crib back?
i bought the simplicity crib for my son and to my horror i found my 7 month old sitting on the floor this morning instead of in his crib where i left him that night.only by the grace of god is my son alive.i could not figure out how he got out until i looked at his crib.the drop latch come undone leaving a opening for him to slide threw. he could of suffocated easy. i do not know about you but it is hard enough putting a simple toy together let alone a crib.what price should we pay for a simple error of which end is up? death ? shame on china
i bought the simplicity crib for my son and to my horror i found my 7 month old sitting on the floor this morning instead of in his crib where i left him that night.only by the grace of god is my son alive.i could not figure out how he got out until i looked at his crib.the drop latch come undone leaving a opening for him to slide threw. he could of suffocated easy. i do not know about you but it is hard enough putting a simple toy together let alone a crib.what price should we pay for a simple error of which end is up? death ? shame on china
my son is two years old my wife and i bought his crib a simplicity 4in 1 from walmart in milpitas California i put the crib to gather myself and followed the step by step directions and it is put together as it was intended to be. so tell me why i have the same problem as everyone else? at first the top left stopper piece of plastic that is intended to prenent the rail from lifting all of the wah off broke. then a few weeks later the bottom left track itsilf broke and now the whole side of the bed broke off sm son fell out of the bed and cut his forhead bad enough to have blood run from his forhead down onto his chest and leave a noticable scar after seeing these recalls i took the crib down to the same walmart in milpitas where we purchased it. and told them about the recall and we were told that it isnt there problem and that they will not give store credit they will not return nor will they replace the crib because they are not responcilbe for the products after they leave the store. i told them obout the recall and we were told that they would know if there was a recall and since they dont have a posting for one then that means that one doesnt exist . so what do i do now the crib is in the back of my car and it will not be set back up for my son to get hurt on again or even get killed by like those inniosent that have already been victums of this bad product and lost there lives if you can help me please contact me at my email jeffherberger1@gmail.com thank you.
the herberger family
Why on earth do cribs even have a drop side when they are such a hazzard?
They seem unnecessary.
Perhaps once it was an added convenience to make ones crib stand out from the others which somehow turned into necessity and the standard norm?
I have no problem at all (and I’m short) reaching into a crib with the mattress at the lowest level.
I am very confused. I purchased a Graco Aspen 3 in 1 crib, actually two, I have twins. I partcipated in the recall for the wooden bars, years ago. I have model number 8740. I don’t know if this is the one being recalled now or not. I have read the recalls, but am not sure if my crib is too be returned or not. Walmart has been helping me, but even they are trying to figure it out. I read one thing that makes me think yes, but then read another and i get confused. If anyone can let me know if they own model number 8740 and you returned it please let me know.
i have been trying to call the simplicity hotline 888-593-9274. i get no answer. please let me know what to do next. i have a 4605w crib, want to know if it is included in a recall.
i have been trying to call the simplicity hotline 888-593-9274. i get no answer. please let me know what to do next. i have a 4605w crib, want to know if it is included in a recall.
i have been trying to call the simplicity hotline 888-593-9274. i get no answer. please let me know what to do next. i have a 4605w crib, want to know if it is included in a recall.
I have been trying to call multiple numbers listed to replace the hardware on my recalled crib, but I am not getting an answer!!! What number works?
Simplicity has gone out of business. There is no way to get your replacement hardware. This comes directly from the CPSP. Sorry. I’m in the same boat as you.
In answer to Sonja Widby’s question, yes, your crib has been recalled. No need to bother trying to get the new hardware. I had the new hardware on my crib and it was just recalled in September 2008. However, my model was 8755 and came with the “newer” hardware. There is no fix this time. Consumers are instructed to bring the crib back to the store for a full refund or credit, which I just did 2 days ago. Target gave me a full refund, no problem. The following website should be helpful to everyone. https://www.simplicityforchildren.com/ourproducts/notice_08dropside/documents/SimpCribDropside08CPSC.pdf
Oh, and to Jason who posted a comment in September of 2007. Some of the cribs actually had incorrect instructions that actually said to install the drop-side upside down. Simplicity as a company is a disgrace.
i also have the 8740sc model, but i purchased it in 2005 and no longer have the receipt..is this a problem, or will Walmart take it back anyway?
According to someone named “Jason” who commented here, the parents of those three dead children got what they deserved, because they didn’t read the instructions. Golly, Jason, you’ve got a big heart. You’re right, it’s the parents’ fault. Just blame them for their own children’s deaths. Oh by the way, I’m pretty sure you don’t have children yourself, do you, Jason? If you do–boy do I feel sorry for them.
I work at walmart in customer service, all walmarts are different but 1800walmart, or corporate office, has told us several times to give the customers a full refund on a gift card. I have the 4605 crib and its on recall, it never worked right from the beginning, the drop side was always defective, but my son was hardheaded and would never sleep in it, thank God. Now we are having another baby and I am going to exchange it for a crib without a drop side. And as far as not having the reciept walmart can look it up in their system. so bring it back.
OMG I Have Our Crib Duck taped and facing the wall since We bought it! When I called Walmart about it I was told I put it together wrong.!? I had Family Member’s and Friend’s try to fix it since. Now this Jackass Jason should say he’s sorry to All of Us! National Recall Yesterday. Not all 2 Million People put it together wrong!
Now what? News says Not to let Child sleep in it. But, website says Company is no longer and no more “kits”. So what to do does Anyone know? Thanks!
I filled out the form online for the most recent Stork Craft Recall, and got the parts two days later…had no problem at all. The parts will make the drop rail a “fixed rail” I’m good with that….and still will use the crib….with the safety fix…
I have two simplicity 5 in 1 ultra sleep system model 4605w and was wondering if it ha a recall on it and what should i do. If it is on the recall how can i get it fixed i have had one for 6 years and the other one for 4 years. Can any thing be done.
https://www.meijer.com/assets/cms/pdfs/recalls/2009/20090702_simplicitycrib.pdf This may help someone with UPC #’s for their cribs…