Boat Type: 19
Campaign Open Date: Wednesday, July 06, 2011
Case Open Date: Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Company Official: David Mackie
Company: Mackie’s Houseboat Pts & Repr
Disposition: Open
HIN: Omqmhb18h111
Last Date: Wednesday, June 06, 2012
MIC: Omq
Model Name: ‘1556 Custom’ Ib Houseboat
Model Year: 2011
Number: 11R4302S
Problem 1: Ventilation
Problem 2: Fuel System
Severity: H
Units: 7
Comments: (1) 33cfr183.630(d)- dn offense fp offenses: (2) 33cfr181.5-9 (3) 33cfr183.514(a) (4) 33cfr183.542 (5) 33cfr183.610(b) (6) 72 colregs and inland rules, rule 23 (7) 33cfr183.810 sent dn letter with dnr and cur 6/20/11 jdh. emailed mnf 7/28/111 jdh. cur 1 0 units repaired of 7 07/06/11. spoke to mnf 8/22/11, dnr and cur fell thru while jdh and len out of office. mnf has been correcting boats since june, almost done. emailed mnf with instructions to follow and respond jdh 8/22/11. emailed mnf 9/28/11 jdh. emailed mnf 11/8/11 jdh. left vm for mnf 11/15/11 jdh. mnf mailed cur 2 11/17/11 jdh- recd at uscg hq- 7/7 boats corrected according to mnf. campaign closed, still awaiting proof of correction for items 2-7 12/14/11, 01/19/12, 2/2/12 jdh. left vm 2/13/12. emailed mnf 6/6/12 jdh.
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