As read on the Kroot Law Chicago website, a study just released by the Ecology Center, a non-profit organization based in Michigan, indicates that there are still many toys not-yet recalled that contain dangerous levels of lead.
The report points to tests on more than 1,200 toys and products for children which showed that 35 percent of these products contained lead, many (17%) above federal standards.
So why haven’t they been recalled? Quite frankly, the Consumer Product Safety Commission doesn’t have time. Imagine testing every childrens’ product sold in America in less than four months to be finished in time for Christmas.
We are currently in a caveat emptor “Buyer Beware” environment. Parents should not assume just because a product is still on the shelves at a major department store that it is not potentially harmful to their child’s health.
Clothes are a good bet this year, as are many video game systems and other products. But if you’re looking for safe toys, try shopping for American-Made products. It is no coincidence that almost every single product being recalled for lead-safety standards originated in China. Click Here for our recalled toy list – which seems to grow every day. Be sure to check the list before buying toys this year, and re-check it after your child opens gifts from others. No parent wants to take a toy away from their child, but it’s better than risking their long-term mental development and physical health.
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