Bombardier Recalls Can-Am Spyder Roadsters
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I get a can-am spyder 2008 las year, no problems when i use it in florida usa,but now in Paraguay south america all codes and probles arrived 2 uo 122/0 c0051/1 p2545 vss faulty-check dps-limp home mode ,
I call all the phones you get from this recall and also bombardier,solution go to the near bombardier delear BROWARD MOTORSPORT ,and no body know nothing , in broward said i have to wait for the mechanic who work monday,the manager said with out the bike can’t do nothing ,i bring the complete part #709400453 made in canada and other electrical part made by bosch #782 377105 made in australia,some body can help me please (954)914 6445 02/13/10
well i just purchesed a new 2009 990 spyder and i came across recalls on them what are the total recalls and i got bike from broward motersports as well. i see alot of problems heating,transmission,steering problems. i have viberation in steering wheel or rim problems and at this point i wish that i could get my money back walter dice 754-234-3717 anyone out there can call me on this matter
Before the recall, I had this problem 3 months ago on my 08 Spyder. I was riding it to the dealership for service and on the way (at 65 mph on a six lane highway), the steering would lock on me when negotiating left and right curves. I was in the center lane and would use every fiber of muscle in my arms to break it free, plus ensure I don’t jerk too much in the other lanes. Talk about exhaustion and a scary moment. With the grace of God and my wife following behind me, I finally made it to the dealership and informed they of the problem. I told them if they didn’t replace the steering, they could keep the bike and I would go else where for another one. The next phone call from them was ” your bike is ready with a new steering unit…at no cost!” I’ve been happy every since.
I have an 09 its been to the shop 3 times. going down the road it spits and sputters and when i turn it cuts out real bad like it wants to stall any suggestions?
I called my dealer after I got your letter dated Sept 7 about the steering ptoblem and was put on a list for service. I was told they did not have parts and I have not been contacted yet. I asked what the tire pressures should be because my right front loses air. I was told they do lose air and to check them every two weeks to keep front at 18 psi and back at 28 psi. The front tires were set at 23 psi when I got the bike back from the 600 mile check. My trike has a hesitation some time when shifting. I was told that my sport muffler caused it.
need a recall letter for my Atv can you help